The Under-Taker

The Under-Taker

What would results be if betting my best under(s) when getting +$1.05 or better?

Record: 81-66-12 +$2230
What would be the results of betting your best over(s)?

What would be the result of betting your best unders when getting less than -105?

Who gives a shit anyway?

Play your games, win your money, let others worry about your record...
P: i give a shit. and if it had been a losing record im sure i would have heard about it. i keep forgetting quality work doesnt mean squat to some people.


+GL+ to all on the other side
Apr 20, 2002
Since both of you like the + side, kiss and make up.
Kiss Kiss make up.


All made up.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>1. Scooby Snacks.................+59.10
2. vegasguy39....................+45.64
3. GottaWinToday.................+39.36
4. Duckstabber...................+35.57
5. happyprophet..................+31.84
6. EveryGamblersDream............+29.57
7. gak555........................+20.00
8. dog8myhomework................+16.45
9. pmck..........................+15.05
10. timbo37.......................+12.68
11. CardFather....................+12.45
12. lakerfan......................+11.66
13. Axelp.........................+11.64
14. parlayin......................+11.60
15. paddio........................+11.30
16. sports freak..................+9.36
17. mr Floppy.....................+9.08
18. icedog........................+7.84
19. Banky.........................+7.25
20. hockeyguru....................+7.20
21. eejit99.......................+6.20
22. KillerJ.......................+6.17
23. FunkSoulBrother...............+5.82
24. CrAzY Jivin' IvaN.............+5.45
25. Celyas........................+5.44
26. KentB.........................+5.00
27. Grantt........................+4.71
28. Kris..........................+4.70
29. Details.......................+3.95
30. anjac.........................+3.30
31. Cold Beer.....................+2.84
32. ldlax30.......................+2.70
33. Vikings2......................+2.40
T-34. Jack Dee......................+1.90
T-34. Rosemary......................+1.90
36. guysmiley.....................+1.52
37. Simpy.........................+1.15
T-38. altice........................+1.10
T-38. Hardwaymoney..................+1.10
40. Heath W.......................+0.60
41. jerseymike111.................+0.52
42. KING0818......................+0.33
43. eh?...........................+0.25
44. WildBill......................+0.05
45. SeeYaNever....................+0.01
T-46. Buffalo66.....................0.00
T-46. cash..........................0.00
T-46. Cattison24....................0.00
T-46. depeche.......................0.00
T-46. Der Zocker....................0.00
T-46. dio...........................0.00
T-46. grinin........................0.00
T-46. IL Padrino....................0.00
T-46. InsideSix.....................0.00
T-46. Old-timer.....................0.00
T-46. Peep..........................0.00
T-46. public opinion................0.00
T-46. RobFunk.......................0.00
T-46. System of a Down..............0.00
T-46. The New Father Ryan...........0.00
T-46. TheCritic.....................0.00
T-46. trader1.......................0.00
T-46. vinividivinci.................0.00
T-46. Walk of Life..................0.00
T-46. Yorky.........................0.00
66. neilm.........................-0.59
67. CMCS..........................-0.60
68. the gooch.....................-0.85
69. wonderdog.....................-0.90
70. Pastor pigskin................-1.08
71. marlowe.......................-1.84
72. cecil.........................-1.85
73. Otherwize.....................-1.92
74. Dr. Gonzo.....................-1.95
75. drunk.........................-2.00
76. Augustus......................-2.33
77. Betting Prophets..............-2.35
78. Superfly......................-2.40
79. Korn..........................-2.47
80. Triple A......................-2.72
81. sljucer69.....................-2.85
82. SLIM..........................-3.25
83. lander........................-3.45
84. THE SHRINK....................-3.80
85. waymac........................-3.85
86. winkyduck.....................-3.87
87. aikman........................-3.89
T-88. rent50........................-4.20
T-88. ThomasJ.......................-4.20
90. neverstop.....................-4.31
91. eddie.........................-4.36
92. weaselboy.....................-4.45
93. Mockler.......................-4.52
94. sports student................-4.65
95. Burner 1......................-4.80
96. Judge Wapner..................-4.92
97. theodore andon................-4.95
99. mdrams........................-5.12
100. Bullchitna....................-5.40
101. gunner101.....................-5.65
102. shadow44......................-5.70
103. BuzzRavanaugh.................-5.80
104. toohot4u......................-5.94
105. Tom Joad......................-5.95
106. 2times........................-6.38
107. The General...................-6.40
108. sea urchin....................-6.67
109. don marco.....................-6.75
110. Heatwave......................-7.56
111. G. Money......................-7.73
112. LOCOMOTIVE....................-7.75
113. BoZZi.........................-7.87
114. Silver Pegasus................-7.88
115. bestbets22....................-8.05
116. $wingin' D....................-8.73
117. oldfriend.....................-8.80
118. Self-Centred..................-9.01
119. drawingdead...................-9.23
120. droc..........................-9.24
121. Mad-Dog.......................-9.29
122. Bobby Bryde...................-9.45
123. Bushay........................-9.96<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Wouldn't you say the above is a better representation of your record?

Sorta like if I took "every horse I ever bet that had a name that began with the letter 'B' on the third Monday of every month I would have a ROI of $12.63 for every dollar bet".

Like who gives a shit? If you are so good on "+105 plays blah blah" why don't you only post them?

Same reason I don't only post horses with Letter "B" etc. Some things are only obvious after the fact.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

You are SOOO out of line, pal. The Undertaker has made me LOTS OF MONEY this year. So FVCK YOU!!! Why on earth would you want to try and piss off BB? You think he is a bad capper...then don't fvcking follow him! BB might be -9 units, but the UNDERTAKER is kicking ass all year long! BB did not say..."My picks are kicking ass", he pointed out that his UTaker picks are doing well. What do you have to add? NUTHIN!! Except you post your worthless post to try and discredit him. You suck, man. I have never bashed you before. In fact, I have been on your side a few times, but that is just a chickenshit maneuver, and it really takes away from your credibility as a moderator.



I don't think he is a bad capper, and I could see where a sports book would love him.

And don't swear at me because his record stinks, it is not my fault.

He wants to post his record "with qualifiers", that is fine. But let him post and bet it that way too.
peep: when is next time you coming to LV? what? did you think you could get away with that crap? i dont suck anyone off like others on these forums.

maybe if you werent so interested in showing bobby bryde up (gee, another guy who doesnt like me?) you might have asked the guy running the contest when was the last time i entered a contest pick?

how many guys on this site actually win?
well im one of 'em. and if you cant deal with that, or cant bear the thought that bb wins, well, tough shit. if you dont like me, just say hey bb is an asshole and i could care less if he wins (seen any of my picks?) or loses i just want to dog him. and its especially fun because i know im never going to meet him face-to-face.

p: youre a piece of crap and you better HOPE i dont meet you. maybe if you ahd bothered to go to the hockey zone you might have seen my record.

oh. by the way. SHRINK was the one who told ME to post the under-taker in the offshore forum. and its him that is signing my checks and not you.

Bobby, just because your record stinks does not make me a piece of crap.

And if Shrink likes your record in offshore, that works for me.

As to your threat to beat me up, you have to get inline behind J-man.

Can wishing cancer on me be far behind? Stay tuned for the next brilliant post....(which will be in RR, thread closed here).
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
posted 03-31-03 04:44 PM
p: youre a piece of crap and you better HOPE i dont meet you. maybe if you ahd bothered to go to the hockey zone you might have seen my record.

oh. by the way. SHRINK was the one who told ME to post the under-taker in the offshore forum. and its him that is signing my checks and not you.

So let's start at the beginning.

1. What the phuck is wrong with you? You threaten me with physical violence because I post your hockey record? Geezs. I think you need help, and in a hurry.

2. "and its him that is signing my checks and not you". So here's a helpful hint for you if you ever have an opportunity to go job hunting in the future. DO NOT THREATEN TO BEAT UP YOUR FELLOW EMPLOYEES. Does not go over good with management.

3. What the hell can you possibly be employed here to do? All I ever see you do is make lousy selections and flame fellow posters. What is your job here?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
sorry peep off sides 5 yd penalty!

sorry bobby bryde offsides 5 yd penalty!

what comics!!!

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